Must watch if you are free..
Beat Box
High Pitch Voice
Soft Bone Archer Girl
All of them are very nice =D
I like Signature and Beat Box.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Talents
Monday, April 27, 2009
Suddenly Went to Semenyih
Event: Head to Semenyih Klang
Method used: Proton Wira
People occured: Simon, Boon Seong, Chuan Meng and me. *and teddy bear too*
What: Got lost
Why: Boon Seong
Time used: 3 hours
Teddy was very scare
We reached there around 7.30pm. SAFELY. Dinner-->CC-->Mamak-->Sleep
The next day
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Klang Trip
Monday, April 13, 2009
WPD Assignments From DIfferent Groups
First of all, I didnt put my group's assignment in this list to create fairness =) Oh ya & also simon's group because theirs have problem. I pok sam pok meng 拼心拼命, gok gong zhun sui 鞠躬尽碎 to show you guys (ya my pc kena virus due to one those pendrives got virus & my anti-virus couldn't save it anymore) these beautiful WPD assignments because they are very nice, I MEAN IT.
It is about tourism places in Malaysia! Very simple, attractive, and give you a warm & cool feeling for beach. It's in rank 5 because the background is repeated, and.... the whole assignment is too simple.
4th Place: Winnie's Group
It is about the Great Titanic Ship! Very nice history about titanic, details with pictures, clear and understandable. Musics are relaxing and touching. It's in rank 4 because the background image is contrasted with the words. The sidebar is very normal, typical sidebar. I like the header for sure, nice banner (can move 1).
3th Place: Eunice's Group
It is about chocolates, sweets, candies, cupcakes and other sweet things! It is every girl's dream. Very nice designing for introduction page. The words and background are perfectly fit (will not look weird). It's in rank 3 because some pages are hard to read, very messy. Some errors & grammer mistakes can be found. It is still an attractive web site. I like the background image, very lovely.
2nd Place: Kah Shoon's Group
It is about online shopping and alot more stuffs! It is very very nice, with alot of animations. Very natural and it really looks like a heaven gift =D. The background and and fonts are nice. It's in rank 2 because 70% of the website is done with software. If it is coded by themselves, it will definitely be in 1st place. The reason I like this because it looks professional.
1st Place: Sean How's Group
It is about superheroes! When you first see this website, you will shout, "Holy Shit!" / "Holy mama!" / "WTF!" / "OMG!" / "WALAO EH!" / "WOW how you do one?" / "So nice!". It is really really really nice. Makes me become beh tahan to shout one of those sentences. Simple backgrond, but it can attracts people's attention because of the design. Alot of flash animations are included. The BANNER IS DEFINITELY pure ownage. When argue about the usage of software, it is less than kah shoon's one because many of them are edited by ah how. I like it because the whole thing is..........PROFESSIONAL + EYES CANDIES + ATTRACTIVE + FLASH ANIMATIONS.
What's your vote for your favourite web site design? Feel free to vote!
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: WPD Assignment Web Sites
Friday, April 10, 2009
PC Fair's Encounters
Saw many DEM + DMK students at PC fair (they all know me xD), and alot leng lui C=
Glad that i went with simon, ah seong, ah hu & seow wen today...
Current mood: Happy
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: No more dulan
Super Dulan
I blogged for a purpose today:
I have a feeling that this will happen and yes it happened. So like to ffk me huh? Think that's funny?!
At least i have some ppl that wont ffk me, ty you guys =)
My mood now: Angry
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Dulan
6th sense?
I feel that, a big-time-con is waiting for me...
Just dunno when will it happen...
Maybe tomorrow...
Maybe Saturday...
Or maybe Sunday...
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Con is Coming
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Sienness Very Sleepy
Monday, April 6, 2009
Love Story
First of all, congrats this is my 99th post. I never thought I would go that far on a blog, so yeah, apparently I did it!
Very nice song I must say, the lyrics is wonderful. Brilliant LYRICS. The lyrics is like telling a fairy tale story, without repetition (which i sometimes hate). It goes smoothly till end.
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: I'll be the prince and you'll be the princess
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Flash Sneak Peak
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Flash Animation
Thursday, April 2, 2009
『那你能現在跳到馬路中央嗎?』 女孩在信紙背面寫上這句話,託人交給男孩。
「嗯。」 女孩點了頭,淚水也在她低下頭的瞬間,滴上了那張寫著男孩與她的字的信紙,似乎也企圖抹殺掉發生的事實。
女孩的愧疚太深,她沒辦法打開心結,她因為責任而留在男孩身邊,直到她喜歡上別人了,她再也不能忍受不能和喜歡的人在一起的日子,所以她崩潰了,然而也傷了男孩的心。 女孩使勁的跑,用力的跑,淚水模糊她的視線,心中的煩亂讓她沒看對她迎面駛來的卡車......
「小心!」 伴隨著警告,有人推開了她。熟悉的碰撞聲響起,再一次,女孩回頭看,再一次的看見倒在殷紅的血泊中。
「那麼年輕就......難道真的沒辦法了嗎?」 醫院裡的人議論紛紛,句句傳入女孩的耳中,她的淚水決提,濕了她的襯衫。如果她當初能理智一點就不會發生了,如果男孩不要愛上她就好了,她哭,哭的歇斯底里,因為這次男孩真的要離開她了,他現在只能等待死亡。
「好......」女孩語不成聲,她只能不停的流淚。 女孩進了病房,見到男孩蒼白的臉,她淚水流的更兇。
「好......」 女孩接下那封信,清澈的淚水滴在信封上,混著暗紅乾涸的血。
「我真的能為妳做任何事......」 這是男孩的最後一句話,他再也不能待在女孩身邊,他走了,女孩昏了過去。
『給最愛的妳:愛上妳,多半是痛苦,我知道妳的心永遠不會交給我,可是我還是好愛好愛妳......當初如果知道我的行為會讓妳無法自由的飛,我不會去做。妳知道嗎?只要妳高興,我真的能為妳做任何事。 我知道當妳看這封信時,妳已經有喜歡的人了,放自己自由好嗎?不要在強迫自己留在我身邊,我希望妳能活的快乐。 不要問我為什麼那麼傻。能選擇要不要喜歡上一個人或愛上一個人嗎?喜歡上了,愛上了,就是了。我會一直守護著妳,因為妳是我最愛的人,我真的能為妳做任何事,不管過了多少年,我都不曾改變。』
女孩收起了信,她的淚水已經不再流下,男孩離開她已經五年了,五年的時光也讓她從一個年輕的女孩蛻變為成熟的女人。 女孩的命,是男孩救的,但女孩的心,自始自終都不曾落在男孩身上。
『能選擇要不要喜歡上一個人或愛上一個人嗎?喜歡上了,愛上了,就是了。』 在蔚藍的天空裡,風裡似乎帶來男孩的低語。 女孩不能選擇,男孩也不能選擇,谁都不能選擇。
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: 感人故事
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Two Days' Summarize
- Went to steve house
- Went to enjoe's house
- Played this and that
- My skin kena scratched by dunno who's FINGERNAIL
- Sleep
- Went to find WEN BIN =D
I'm starting to have a common thinking as mun wah today. When he talked about friends today, i found that his thinking and mine were the same. We evaluated friends in our class and talked about their personalities. PPL's attitude have changed, we started to have disagreement with some of my classmates. Personally i think that, someday our friendship will come to a "comma"
*friendship legends by cy*
comma (,) = friendship that will continue when we have something to talk, though not much thing to say anymore [worsen].
fullstop (.) = friendship that will come to an end within a short period, no more talking to teach other [the end].
?! (;) = friendship that will continue when we have something to talk, otherwise discontinue [neutral].
?! (......) = frienship that will last forever [improving].
Case sensitive: names shall not be revealed. I only reveal some names in our class I THINK our friendship is improving. Don't feel (sad, dissappointed) if u found ur name is not here.
- ah meng
- steve
- simon
- mun wah
- eunice
- chai yong
- seow wen a.k.a pou tai ji a.ka si dor be lei a.k.a yip gu sheng
- andy
- wan ning
- winnie
- pei yi a.k.a chocolate apple
- jet
I mean, when u know ur name is not in there, u know something is not right. You don't say that i'm lan c in picking friends. When u're thinking that way, please knock yourself straight down to the WALL. I met with my friend from johor today, and our friendship get EVEN better, even though we have never met each other before. Why? Because we respect each other, we never treat each other in different levels (we are in same level), we build trust in our friendship.
You probably think this is an April Fool joke, but it is NOT. I mean, this is one of my serious posts so far.
Yeong Sui-fied by Anonymous exactly at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Keywords of the Day: Confused about relatiopship