I do not understand. do not. Why chuan meng's toilet paper presentation's mark is equal to my profanity? Maybe toilet paper & profanity are supposed to be catogorized as the same lvl? They are dirty? So the marks are the same? Noooooooo where can like that 1, whoever same mark with me also can, but only chuan meng cannot! He can be either have higher mark than me, or lower mark than me, but definitely not the same!
Chuan Meng ah chuan meng, why?
5 Hal Paling Krusial yang Wajib Kamu Tahu Jika Ingin Menjual Rumah
Rumah adalah aset berharga yang bisa dijadikan sebagai investasi jangka
panjang. Permintaan akan rumah pun kian meningkat setiap tahunnya. Hal ini
6 years ago
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